SGM Models – Metric Units: Measuring Range, Gauge Length, Direction
♦ SGM-20%-50: 20%, 50mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGM-20%-25: 20%, 25mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGM-20%-80: 20%, 80mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGM-50%-80: 50%, 80mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGM-50%-50: 50%, 50mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGM-100%-50: 100%, 50mm, Longitudinal
♦ SGMT-10%-25: +/-2.5mm, 0-25mm,Transverse
SG Models – English Units: Measuring Range, Gauge Length, Direction
♦ SG-20%-2: 20%, 2in, Longitudinal
♦ SG-20%-1.4: 20%, 1.4in, Longitudinal
♦ SG-20%-1: 20%, 1in, Longitudinal
♦ SG-20%-0.5: 20%, 0.5in, Longitudinal
♦ SG-50%-2: 50%, 2in, Longitudinal
♦ SGT-10%-1: +/- 0.1in, 0 to 1in, Transverse

♦ Can be left on specimen through failure
♦ Lightweight to minimise any influence on the test
♦ Low operating force
♦ Rugged construction to withstand rigours of operation
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